about the game
This game is quick and easy to play it can last up to 8 minutes as Children love to make up different versions of the game.
Equipment: None
o Arrange the group into two teams
o Standing in two lines (quite close) facing each other in the centre of the room
o Name one team the ‘Rats’ and the other the ‘Rabbits’
o When the coach shouts either Rats or Rabbits the team must run to the wall before being caught by someone on the other side
o If they get caught they join the other team
Tip: When you say Rats or Rabbits exaggerate the R at the beginning of the word then say the word quickly this gets the group excited
Mix the game up a bit by:
o Getting the group to sit down
o Choosing their own names let the group get creative suggest they use names of fruits or animals
Instead of shouting out the name hold up a piece of card with the name on (Link to the Chinese New Year and hold up a name saying Dog or Donuts!)