about the game
So many games can be played with a few hoop, here’s a few to keep a group active for a whole 8 minutes
Equipment needed: Hoops, 2 coloured different coloured bibs, bean bags
· Over and Under: Arrange the group into 2 equal teams, stand in a relay format, each team have 1 hoop, the first child in the line starts by placing the hoop over their head and letting the hoop drop to the floor, they pick up the hoop and give to the next child in line who steps into the hoop and brings the hoop above their head, this continues down the line until each child has had a go
· Up and down hoops: Arrange the children into groups of 4, 6 if a large group. Each team have 1 hoop each they get into a circle and balance the hoop on the palms of their hands, the aim of the game is to kneel down as a team together keeping the hoop as still as possible, make the game harder by allowing the children to touch the hoop with only 2 fingers from each hand. The team have to go up and down as many times as they can without dropping the hoop
· Bean Bag Grab: Set the hoops in a circle, one for each child. Give each child 3 bean bags to put in their hoop, have each child sit in their bean bag first , on the command GO each child can get up and go and steal just 1 bean bag from someone else’s hoop, they must go back to their hoop each time