about the game
Lots of games can be played with coloured cones, here are a few to keep your sessions varied and ensure you’ll have fun packed Active 8 minutes
Equipment needed: Cones
o Place about 5/6 pairs of cones about 4 feet apart all around the room (tell the group each pair is a gate)
o Begin by walking around the room when the coach says ‘gate’ see how many gates the group can walk through in 10 seconds they need to go through a different gate each time not the same one!
o Change the way they move through the gates e.g. high knees, jump, skip, run, sprint
o To progress introduce a ‘gate keeper’ this team member guards the gates so the others cannot go through the gate that is guarded
Keep changing the ‘gate keeper’ give all the players a go or introduce 2/3 to make the game harder
Cups and saucers:
o Arrange the group into two teams and stand on opposite sides of the room
o One team have cones that they place in the centre of the room facing up they are team saucers
o The other team have them facing down they are team cups
o Place equal numbers of cones (cups and saucers) in the centre of the room
o Both teams face the wall and when you shout ‘GO’ both teams run to the centre of the room
o The saucer team aim to place all the cones facing upwards
o As the cup team aim to place all the cones facing downwards
o After about 10/20 seconds tell the whole group to go back to their side of the room
o Count up the cups and saucers to see which team have the most
o Award the team with one point
o And play again a few times