
about the game

Equipment needed:  Soft bean bags, foam ball, soft toys, rolled up paper

All kids have messy rooms, ask the group if any of them have a tidy room (if they say they do they’ll be good at this game!)  This game is high energy and won’t last 8 minutes so there are a few ideas how to adapt it and aim to play more than once

  • Get the group into two teams by naming each player alternate dasher or dancer

  • Ask all the dashers to stand on one side of the room and all the dancers on the other facing them

  • Give both sides equal amounts of  soft equipment i.e. bean bags, soft balls, soft toys (if limited equipment use screwed up scrap paper)

  • Separate the room in two equal spaces marking it out with cones or a rope

  • Scatter all  the equipment on both side of the room

  • All the players must face the wall

  • When you shout ‘Clean the bedroom’ the two teams run and grab one piece of equipment to throw over to their opponents side 

  • This continues for approximately 30/40 seconds

  • When you ‘Stop cleaning the bedroom’ both groups must run back to the wall

  • Watch out for last minute flying objects!

  • Each team count up how many items they have on their side of the room (their bedroom)

  • The winning team has the least number of items on their side of the room, reward them with a point

  • Play again to gain points

Adaptations to game:

  •  To make the game harder for older children ask the group to link arms with another player in their team
  • Divide the teams up more than once call them different group names for example; apples and pears or Rudolf’s and rabbits, this will give them chance to cool down and play with a different set of players

  • Colour coordinate the equipment to make it easier to see who got the most equipment

  • Get the group to bear crawl or hop during the game instead of run

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